Foam Rolling Sequence

This 15 minute foam rolling sequence focuses on rehydrating your body's tissues, restoring fluidity and ease. Kelly introduces each of the below foam rolling movements with a brief and simple anatomical explanation aimed at increasing self-awareness as you explore.

Foam rolling movements:

+ Breath work and freeing the upper body
+ Freeing the sacrum
+ Rehydrating the calves
+ Lengthening the lateral line
+ Supported child’s pose


Standing Psoas Stretch

In this video, Kelly demonstrates a simple and effective way to release your psoas/hip flexors. Because everything is connected, when the front of the body gains length, the back of the body is affected. This standing stretch is also great for lower back pain as it encourages normal movement of the sacroiliac joints.


Enlivening the Core

This movement meditation is an opportunity to explore how enlivening the core in a functional manner offers support to the whole body. In particular, the lower spine can experience length and ease when the deeper abdominal muscles come “online.”